Imagine a combination of Encyclopedia Britannica, Wikipedia and Google Scholar, in a 3Dimension format where you can feel and experience topics, concepts and subject matters. Now imagine blending these with a SIRI?
So you ask for the definition of something and it’s displayed before you with a voice assistance telling you what it is, asking you to touch it like it’s real and explaining in details everything you need to know about it!
That’s the concept behind the creation of the Shillings Token [ SHILK ].
The Shillings Token [ SHILK ] was developed to solve the global challenges limiting learners and academics, especially in developing countries from having access to quality education services from basic to tertiary levels.
The Shillings Token will also be utilized as a means of payment to access virtual education through online platforms and even academic institutions of high reputation.
The Shillings Token [ SHILK ] is a utility token tied to the execution and smooth running of this vision above. It is also a governance token as all holders of the SHILK will be able to vote for developments they want in the project. Long term Holders of the Shillings Token will be rewarded with token redistribution on a monthly basis.
This token in addition to being a means of payment for virtual education, will at the same time provide an opportunity for holders to benet from the upside potentials which include access to world-class and futuristic education, scholarships, education loans, and ETF.
The Shillings Token [ SHILK ] is bringing the Best educational products to everyone across the globe through our online marketplace. We are developing our ecosystem upon which many educational dapps will be built.
We are building SHILK to facilitate and widen access to a range of Education products, such that they can be conveniently offered to people across the world. We are positioned to launch a product that will usher in the future of learning.
We will take education to the MetaVerse and the Space.
- Verifed Contract Address
- Responsible Development Team with real identities.
- No presale of Shillings token (SHILK).
- Smart and intelligent blockchain developers.
- Audit report will be provided on a regular basis.
The following are some of the reasons SHILK Token is the best Edu-verse project.
- Community Development Driven.
- Anti-whales’ mechanism in place
- A Governance Token
- No Presale or special allocation.
- Charity Oriented
- Value Driven